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How To Prevent Water From Getting Into Walls
Hurricane season is in full swing in South Florida. Is your commercial property protected from all that rain we’re getting? Water is one of the

Why You Should Sandblast Before Painting
What’s the secret to a flawless paint job? Properly preparing the surface. With its ability to thoroughly clean surfaces, sandblasting has become one of the

Do Balconies Need To Be Waterproofed?
Does your new commercial property have balconies? How are you preparing them for South Florida’s heavy rains? Balconies, like all tiled areas that get wet,

How To Tell If Window Seals Need To Be Replaced
Have your commercial building’s energy bills gone up? Has it become hotter inside? Is it louder than it used to be? Does it seem water

How to Slow Down Exterior Paint Fading
Did you ever wonder why your commercial building’s exterior paint fades faster than its interior paint? When paint is exposed to UV rays, harsh weather,

How To Prepare Your South Florida Commercial Property For A Hurricane
Whether it’s your first hurricane season or you’re a seasoned pro, it’s always necessary to plan ahead to protect your home and your family. Commercial